Livro Backward and Feeble-Minded Children; Clincial Studies in the Psychology of Defectives, with a Syllabus for the Clinical Examination and Testing of Children

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TABULATIONS OF DATA, SUGGESTED GROUPS, AND LINES OF TRANSITION FROM FEEBLEMINDEDNESS TO NON-FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS. i1 Some of the measurements and tests have been made on practically all of the cases. The results of most of these, as far as they lend themselves to numerical statement, are brought together in the tables of Figs.

31-35. It is to be remembered, however, that the purpose of these studies has been clinical and not statistical; and for the most part it is better, for the present, to refrain from making generalizations upon the averages stated.

Many of the tests have been sufficiently described in the studies themselves, or are already familiar from other sources. I shall here state briefly the conditions and norms observed in certain of the tests and measurements, information as to the others being easily accessible in the manuals of tests.

The Binet scale was used in the form published by Binet in 1908. Dr. Goddard is doubtless right in considering that this scale measures the amount of retardation about as correctly as does any later revision.

It includes tests for reading, writing, memory for what is read, etc., which are sometimes referred to in these studies, and which are not in the revised scale. Their nature, however, is doubtless sufficiently clear from the references to them in the studies.

Reliance has not been placed on the old tests for the thirteen-year level, which were too difficult, and which in any case were seldom reached by our children. The tests were applied essentially as directed in my syllabus of them, published in the Journal of Educational Psychology for October, 1910.

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ISBN0217687571 9780217687577
FormatoCapa comum
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