Livro Blackstone's Guide to the Consumer Rights ACT 2015

The Consumer Rights Act is a vital and far-reaching piece of legislation containing provisions specific to contract and consumer law, criminal law, and competition law. It sets out a much-needed framework to consolidate the key consumer rights surrounding contracts for goods, services, and digital content, as well as the law relating to unfair terms in consumer contracts.

The Act introduces easier routes for consumers and SMEs to challenge anti-competitive behavior through the Competition Appeal Tribunal, as well as confirming enforcers' powers to investigate potential breaches of consumer law.

Ultimately, the Act gives civil courts and public enforcers greater flexibility to take the most appropriate action for consumers when dealing with breaches of consumer law. This Blackstone's Guide, written by a team of leading experts in the field, provides clear and concise coverage of the Consumer Rights Act's history, scope, and application.

It is the complete resource for anyone looking for an introduction to this wide-ranging Act. The Blackstone's Guide Series delivers concise and accessible books covering the latest legislative changes and amendments.

Published soon after enactment, they offer expert commentary by leading names on the scope, extent and effects of the legislation, plus a full copy of the Act itself. They offer a cost-effective solution to key information needs and are the perfect companion for any practitioner needing to get up to speed with the latest changes.

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EditoraOxford University Press, USA
ISBN0198726112 9780198726111
FormatoCapa comum
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