Livro Creation

One of the most relevant and accessible writers of theology working today, Hans Schwarz here explores the Christian doctrine of creation from biblical, historical, and scientific perspectives, arguing that true dialogue between religion and the sciences provides the fullest and most meaningful picture of the universe.

Schwarz first surveys scientific explanations for the origins of the universe and of life and discusses the scientific understanding of matter, space, time, and determinism. He then reviews the history of Christian responses to science's discoveries, including a summary of reactions from Christian scientists.

He completes his analysis with a proposal for the development of a Christian understanding of creation. Through this engaging approach Schwarz leads Christians and scientists away from isolation in their respective arenas and draws them toward an appreciation of their complementary contributions to the questions of humanity's origin and destiny.

Ultimately, he maintains that Christian hope is based neither on science nor on the denial of science, but on God's self-disclosure in the life and destiny of Jesus the Christ.

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EditoraWilliam B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
ISBN0802860664 9780802860668
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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