Livro Crimson Peak: The Art of Darkness

Presented by Legendary Pictures and Universal Pictures, Crimson Peak launches in October 2015. This deluxe book explores Guillermo del Toro’s breathtaking supernatural mystery in unparalleled detail, from the creation of its sumptuous sets and costumes to the dark themes interwoven into its story and stunning visuals.A powerful blend of psychological thriller, gothic horror, and seductive romance, Crimson Peak sees del Toro return to the genre he helped define.Crimson Peak: The Art of Darkness chronicles the creative journey behind the film.

Featuring interviews with the director and key crew members, the book examines the themes at the heart of Crimson Peak and shows how these motifs are woven into every frame.Bringing del Toro’s imagination to life, the book also features a number of special removable items, including authentic period letters from key characters, daguerreotype photographs, newspaper clippings, journal pages, and more.

In keeping with the mysterious and thrilling nature of the film, Crimson Peak: The Art of Darkness houses many secrets, all waiting to be discovered.Featuring a broad range of spectacular concept art, storyboards, unit photography, and other visuals, this book is an unforgettable exploration of one of 2015’s most eagerly anticipated movies.

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EditoraInsight Editions
ISBN1608875687 9781608875689
FormatoCapa dura
Livro físico na

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