Livro Glory of Yore: Fantasy Role Playing in the World of King Arthur

This is an exciting fantasy role playing game for a small group of adults ages 10 years and up! Take on the role of a brave knight, noble wizard, bold thief, or wise priest in the world of King Arthur and the land of Camelot.

Using this book you can play one of the Knights of the Round Table or a mythical heroine of old. This concise rule book contains everything you need to know how to play the game and serves as your guide to one of the richest settings in all of fantasy and legend.

This book provides players with the kind of fascinating role playing experience that greeted the first people to enjoy these games so long ago. Let the simple rules of this game be your guide to the clash of steel clad knights, the thunder of powerful magic, and the acrid smell of mighty dragons that awaits you.

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EditoraShillingsworth LLC
ISBN1619120682 9781619120686
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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