Livro Methods and Advances in Traditional Chinese Medicine

"Methods and Advances in Traditional Chinese Medicine" describes analytical chemistry methods used to characterize constituents of herbal remedies, explore their mechanisms of action singly and in concert, and support the clinical trials necessary to bring Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) into the mainstream of therapeutics.

With recent advances in analytical instruments, molecular pharmacology, and genetics, it is now possible to investigate the bioactive molecules in a complex medicine on a rational basis. This book is the first to combine TCM with analytical chemistry methods toward this goal.

The book begins with a brief history of TCM, consideration of its strengths and weaknesses, and a review of the literature on application of Western analytical methods. It continues with an examination of the concept of synergistic, multi-targeted action among components, followed by an analysis of how analytical chemistry and other methods are used to assure quality and uniformity of natural products within tolerable limits.

It then addresses the complexity introduced by absorption, distribution, and metabolism of an already complex drug. The last chapter advocates a system biological approach as the way forward for drug discovery and development in TCM.

Emphasizes the advantages of combining traditional medicine and modern tools for drug discovery and developmentProvides examples which source, identify, and assay materials; describe preparation of complex remedies and isolate or synthesize their components; characterize complexes and derivatives; and test selected entities for efficacy in animals and humansExplains the capabilities and limitations of various methods for evaluating test results, establishing the parameters of quality assurance

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ISBN0128051612 9780128051610
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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