Livro Mysterious

"This Magic Moment" Ryan Swan has vowed to never give her trust again, so it would figure that master illusionist Pierce Atkins is the last man to whom she should give her "heart." Especially since he is planning a death-defying stunt he might not survive.

Yet despite her best efforts, in Pierce's enthralling presence, all Ryan's defenses seem to magic. "Search for Love" Arriving at her long-lost relatives' Brittany estate, Serenity Smith is greeted with cold politeness by the Comtesse de Kergallen and her darkly handsome grandson, Christophe.

Refusing to believe their scandalous tales about her late parents, Serenity sets out to prove them false. But getting the enigmatic Christophe to change his mind about her turns out to be an equally worthy challenge.

"The Right Path" After a frightening encounter with a knife-wielding stranger, Morgan James is bewildered when her "attacker" turns out to be the very wealthy Nicholas Gregoras. Though Morgan's suspicions about the Greek tycoon are strong and very justified, can they withstand the all-consuming desire ignited by his passionate kiss?

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EditoraSilhouette Books
ISBN0373281617 9780373281619
FormatoLivro de bolso
Livro físico na

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