Livro Noir Pointblank

A comic tribute to the detective films of Humphrey Bogart. The third story in the "Cafe Noir" series, following "Murder at Cafe Noir" and "Noir Suspicions." No knowledge of the previous plays is required, as each play can stand alone.

In Noir Point Blank, "Just Plain" Rick has hired a singer and opened a photo display of "300 yrs of shady business" at the cafe to increase business. To this comes an American detective looking for a murderess but stumbling across a gangster on the lam, a beautiful French historian and a British lawyer with a desire to go night diving.

When the murderess ends up dead and the cop is implicated in the murder, it's "Just Plain" Rick who must help him out of the jam by helping him find the real killer.

Meanwhile, the gangster has assumed the mortgage for the Cafe Noir and plans on setting up his operations there, and everyone seems to be after something that sunk off the coast of Mustique in 1945.

It's a true forties style American mystery with the perfect mix of action, intrigue, humor, and romance.

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EditoraSamuel French, Inc.
ISBN0573699658 9780573699658
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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