Livro Overdrive

"Gone in Sixty Seconds "meets "Heist Society" in this edgy novel about a crack team of teenage criminals on a mission to learn to trust, build a life, and steal a wish list of exotic cars.

Jules Parish has screwed up. After three years of boosting cars, she got caught. She s "too good "to get caught, but she let her (ex)-boyfriend talk her into a questionable job.

And now she and her little sister, Emma, will be kicked out of their foster home, left to survive on the unforgiving streets of Las Vegas alone. Unless. Eccentric, wealthy Roger Montgomery wants to open up his mansion to Jules and Emma.

The only catch? Jules must steal seven of the rarest, most valuable muscle cars in the world in seven weeks. Even worse, she s forced to put her trust in three complete strangers to help her do it.

First there s Chelsea, the gorgeous redhead with a sharp tongue and love for picking locks. Then there s Mat, who hasn t met a system he couldn t hack.

And finally there s the impossibly sexy car thief Nick, whose bad attitude and mysterious past drive Jules crazy. With nothing in common and everything to lose, can Jules and her amateur crew pull off what could be the biggest car heist in history?

Or will things spin out of control faster than a Nevada dust devil?"

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EditoraSimon Pulse
ISBN1481439448 9781481439442
FormatoCapa dura
Livro físico na

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