Livro Politics: The Art of the Possible in an Age of Unreason

"Politics" by former Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg is a candid account from the top and bottom of British politics that puts the case for reason in the face of extremes.

More so than any other political figure, Nick Clegg has seen the volatile state of modern politics up close and personally, from his spectacular rise to national prominence at the 2010 General Election, through his tumultuous experience in the coalition government, to a brutal defeat in 2015.

In "Politics" he will lift the lid on Westminster and Whitehall to expose the hidden workings of power in Britain today. We now face one of the most fluid and unpredictable phases in recent political history: nationalism and identity politics are on the rise at home and abroad, outsider figures are becoming mainstream, the centre-ground is apparently vacant and swathes of younger voters are disillusioned by politics altogether.

Drawing on stories and lessons from his time as Deputy Prime Minister, including frank analysis of why his party fared so badly in coalition, Nick Clegg will reflect on the future survival of the politics of reason, evidence and compromise at a time when they are needed most.

"Politics "is at once a candid insider's account of our political past, a dispassionate analysis of our tumultuous present and an essential guide to an uncertain future.

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EditoraBodley Head
ISBN1847924050 9781847924056
FormatoCapa dura
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