Livro Redemption

Japheth the Tainted is on the hunt for a mysterious demon vampire. But meeting her face-to-face might disarm his warrior spirit--and spark an unquenchable passion with apocalyptic consequences. As a fallen angel, Japheth is determined to make his way back to heaven by staying pure and slaying hellspawn.

With a new scourge of vampires unleashed by a blood-drinking demon, the Prince of Thirst, there's plenty to be done. But Japheth is after one vampire in particular--the one they call the Angel Slayer.

Rose Harley never wanted to be a vampire, but the Prince of Thirst can turn even the kindest soul into a soldier of hell. Feeling abandoned by God, she stalks the West Village taking revenge on his angels--until she meets her match.

When Japheth and Rose encounter each other, the battle is fierce and charged with desire. But when they discover a common enemy--the Prince of Thirst himself--they form a dangerous alliance that could either cost them their eternal lives, or spark a love more powerful than heaven or hell.

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EditoraBerkley Books
ISBN0425258386 9780425258385
FormatoLivro de bolso
Livro físico na

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