Livro Revealed

Annie sat transfixed. For a breathless moment her heart fluttered. She felt her chest pinch and began working her bottom lip, struggling to quell the onslaught of panic. Her lungs exhaled and her heart throbbed against her ribs.

The long fingers of the deep reached for her. Annie Eaton feels lost, unloved, and insignificant. Even her name feels wrong. If she could just find her place, find that thing for which she has been made, she knows she would finally find peace.

Unaware of her extraordinary talent, and her disturbing past, Annie follows her ambitious husband to a small town in northern Arizona, which in her mind is the end of the world.

Desperate for a way out, she makes a choice that takes her down a crooked path. Join Annie as more than just her identity is REVEALED, giving her needed faith, strength, and courage to face her demons from the past when the Philadelphia mob tries to finish what they started twenty years ago.

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EditoraJohnny Rook Pub
ISBN069233324X 9780692333242
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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A intenção do autor, com esta pequena obra, é apresentar algumas estratégias de leitura que te farão um leitor melhor, lhe ensinando a absorver mais conteúdo e ser mais produtivo nesse momento. Tudo isso através de uma linguagem acessível e bem objetiva.

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