Livro Suspicion

"If Alfred Hitchcock had directed"Downton Abbey," the result would have been this book. Alexandra Monir takes us on a gripping, nonstop thrill ride with just the right amount of supernatural and an ending that you definitely won't suspect.

I devoured it in one sitting." Jessica Brody, bestselling author of the Unremembered trilogy "Take The Princess Diaries and add magic, murder and mystery, and you've got SUSPICION." Amy Plum, author of the of the international bestselling Die For Me series " There s something hidden in the maze.

" Seventeen-year-old Imogen Rockford has never forgotten the last words her father said to her, before he, her mother, and the gardens of her family s English country manor were consumed by a blazing fire.

For seven years, images of her parents death have haunted Imogen s dreams even as she moved away and attempted to start over. But some attachments prove impossible to shake including her love for her handsome former neighbor Sebastian Stanhope.

When a letter arrives that forces Imogen to return to her family s estate, she quickly discovers the dark secrets that her father warned her about. At their center is Imogen herself and Sebastian, the boy she never stopped loving.

Combining spine-tingling mystery, romance, and unforgettable characters, "Suspicion"is an action-packed thrill ride. "Intensely dramatic, fast-paced, and twisty, Monir s mystery ticks every gothic suspense box. The combination of paranormal elements with a star-crossed romance between almost-royals should keep readers rapt." "Booklist" "From the Hardcover edition.""

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ISBN0385372515 9780385372510
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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