Livro The Amazing Spider-Man, Volume 11

Thrill to a host of awesome adventures starring the ever-Amazing Spider-Man! Along with such fan-favorite foes as the Cobra, Mr. Hyde, the Vulture and the Tarantula, the wondrous web-slinger must contend with the introduction of the villain who embodied one of the most dramatic and exciting mysteries in Spider-history: the Hobgoblin!

Witness the rise to power of the man who would impact Peter Parker's life in the most sinister ways of all! Also featuring Will O' the Wisp, Thunderball, the Black Cat and more!  Plus: the introduction of the all-new Captain Marvel and the unforgettable tale of "The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man!" COLLECTING: Amazing Spider-Man #231-248, and Amazing Spider-Man Annual #16-17 -- written by Roger Stern and Bill Mantlo, and illustrated by John Romita Jr., Bob Hall, Ron Frenz, and Ed Hannigan.

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EditoraMarvel Comics Group
ISBN0785163301 9780785163305
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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