Livro The Late Roman Army

Using the most recent research and studies as well as important primary sources like the Notitia Dignitatum, this book outlines a complete picture of the Late Roman Army, from the accession of Diocletian in AD 284 to the fall of the western Empire in 476.

Contents include the organization, structure, equipment, weapons, combat history and tactics of the late Roman military forces. Through the pages and magnificent colour plates of this book you will find limitanei, comitatenses, foederati, bucellarii, scholae palatinae, protectores and much more.

The origins and causes for the military decline of the Empire are discussed in detail, as well as the influence of the barbarian peoples over the Roman Army. The text includes also a very detailed order of battle, based on the Notitia Dignitatum and listing all the military forces of the Roman Empire between 395-410 AD.

Combined with the original art work by well-known military artist Giuseppe Rava, this book will be a must for students of military history, re-enactors, modellers, wargamers and people interested in military dress or organization."

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EditoraWinged Hussar Publishing
ISBN0996365796 9780996365796
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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