Livro The Wrath of Grapes: The Coming Wine Industry Shakeout and How to Take Advantage of It

Over long, hard decades, American winemakers have won the respect of connoisseurs everywhere. Many of the world's most cherished, and expensive, wines come fro the United States.. But today, the unique and eccentric wine industry faces agrim set of challenges that could transform it forever: oversupply in the face of flat consumption, devastating vineyard diseases, an antiquated distribution system, fierce competition from abroad, attacks from anti-alcohol forces, and an inability to capitalize on wine's proven health benefits.But for you, these woes cn be an opportunity, as wine journalist Lewis Perdue explains in this fascinating book.

Clearly and crisply, forsaking the snobbish "winespeak" that helps keep wine mysterious and is itself one of the industry's problems. Perdue takes you behind the scenes to show you why a shakeout is imminent and unstoppable, and how you can benefit from understanding the situation-from drinking better wine less expensively to investing in a business where the perqs can be decanted from a bottle.

Pullin no punches, naming names, this is an invaluable glimpse into a colorful, competitive, cantankerous world whose current troubles can actually add immeasurable pleasure to your life.

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ISBN0380801515 9780380801510
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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