Livro Wrecked

In the nineties, Abigale Applegate and Zach Barnes were the most beloved sitcom child stars in the world. Then they grew up and left Hollywood behind Whatever happened to Abigale Applegate?

She s been wondering the same thing. With her Hollywood dreams long gone, Abigale now has a nice, neat, uncomplicated life until the day her perfect fiance needs to talk.

Dumped, a little more than shattered, and totally confused, Abigale turns to Zach, her best friend since forever, to help her pick up the pieces. He does it with the gift of a journal.

She can vent her frustrations and sketch out a new plan. Zach just hopes he s part of it. Because he s been in love with Abigale his entire life.

When the journal falls into Zach s hands, he discovers Abigale wants a new man. And fast. Nothing more than a hot distraction. Zach has a plan of his own: He s going to be that man.

It s his last chance. Abigale might be out to shake up her life, but Zach s out to reinvent it. Now, all he has to do is convince Abigale that life can go as planned."

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EditoraBerkley Books
ISBN0425264459 9780425264454
FormatoLivro de bolso
Livro físico na

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A intenção do autor, com esta pequena obra, é apresentar algumas estratégias de leitura que te farão um leitor melhor, lhe ensinando a absorver mais conteúdo e ser mais produtivo nesse momento. Tudo isso através de uma linguagem acessível e bem objetiva.

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