Livro 1001 Natural Wonders You Must See Before You Die

Updated and enhanced with new descriptions of natural wonders selected by UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) as World Heritage sites, this beautiful volume takes readers to the most spectacular places on Earth--sights and locations so breathtaking that once seen, they are never forgotten.

Among them are: The iconic rocks and pinnacles of the Arizona desert The frozen, majestic Scandinavian archipelagos The secluded Spanish wetlands, home to the world's few remaining Iberian lynx The fragile reefs of Australia's coastline, now threatened by global warming Written and compiled by a team of the world's most well-traveled writers, ecologists, photographers, and conservationists, "1001 Natural Wonders " circumnavigates the globe, traveling to the most outstanding locations our planet has to offer.

Readers will take an armchair tour augmented by the explosive rumbling of Caribbean volcanoes, and visit places like Bryce Canyon, Utah, a rugged, dramatic national park located just a few hours' drive from Salt Lake City.

Packed with information on the creation, development, and location of each natural wonder, and describing protected areas and endangered species in detail, this comprehensive guide offers compelling insight into our planet's priceless resources.

It celebrates hundreds of millions of years of the Earth's turbulent natural history and displays our planet's beauty, which is our unique heritage. Hundreds of magnificent color photos.

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EditoraBarron's Educational Series
ISBN0764162330 9780764162336
FormatoCapa dura
Livro físico na

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