Livro Alter Ego: The Best of the Legendary Comics Fanzine

In 1961, Jerry Bails and Roy Thomas launched Alter Ego, the first fanzine devoted to comic books and their colorful history. This volume, first published in low distribution in 1997, collects the original 11 issues (published from 1961-78) of A/E, with the creative and artistic contributions of Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Wally Wood, John Buscema, Marie Severin, Bill Everett, Russ Manning, Curt Swan, & others and important, illustrated interviews with Gil Kane, Bill Everett, & Joe Kubert!

See where a generation first learned about the Golden Age of Comics while the Silver Age was in full flower with major articles on the Justice Society, the Marvel Family, the MLJ heroes, and more!

Edited by Roy Thomas & Bill Schelly with an introduction by the late Julius Schwartz.

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EditoraTwo Morrows Publishing
ISBN1893905888 9781893905887
FormatoCapa comum
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