Livro Armies of the War of the Triple Alliance 1864 70: Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay & Argentina

Between 1864 and 1870 four nations fought in an extraordinarily bloody war - the largest in the history of South America. The powerhouses Argentina and Brazil alongside tiny Uruguay on one side, and the small but increasingly-powerful Paraguay on the other, fought a conflict that was almost contemporary with the American Civil War and Franco-Prussian War, and rivalled their very high casualty rates.

The aftermath of the war saw defeated Paraguay's territory diminished, its total population reduced by a staggering 70 per cent, and its economy ruined for generations, while victorious Brazil was established as the predominant military power on the continent.

Despite the extraordinary ferocity of the fighting and the significant historical consequences thereafter, little has been published in English on a war that shaped the political map of Latin America to this day.

This title book in some crucial gaps by telling the story of the men who fought on both sides, using contemporary paintings, prints, and rare early photographs combined with detailed research and engaging analysis.

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EditoraOsprey Publishing (UK)
ISBN1472807251 9781472807250
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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