Livro Art Ops Vol. 2

When rogue figures from famous works of art come to life and escape their frames, it's up to Reggie Riot and the agents of Art Ops to track them down before they wreak havoc on the unsuspecting public.

But Reggie has secrets of his own that may affect his ability to interact with living works of art--and he wants no part in the agency his mother ran before him.

This surreal, pop-art-styled new series is illustrated by Eisner Award-winning artist Michael Allred (MADMAN ADVENTURES, IZOMBIE) and rising-star writer Shaun Simon (THE FABULOUS KILLJOYS). The continuation of the "Modern Love" storyline takes the Art Ops team to a fashion show in 1980s New York City that's more than your average catwalk--and they'll go halfway around the world to uncover the truth behind a mysterious poly-blend garment.

Plus, Danny Doll's first successful human art experiment astounds the team, leading up to a fateful decision by his wife, Gina.

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ISBN1401267416 9781401267414
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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