Livro Auschwitz: A New History

"[A] devastating new history of the infamous death factory.... Rees's research is impeccable and intrepid" -The Washington Post In Auschwitz, Laurence Rees provides a shocking portrait of the world's most infamous death camp.

Informed by more than 100 original interviews with survivors and Nazi perpetrators who speak on the record for the first time, Rees' narrative exposes the inner workings of the camp in unprecedented detail-from the techniques of mass murder to the bizarre microcosms that emerged within the camp, such as the brothel and the dining hall, where the line between guard and prisoner became surprisingly blurred.

Ultimately, raves the Washington Post, Auschwitz achieves "at the gut level what Hannah Arendt achieved some forty years ago at the level of philosophy...[it] forces the reader to shift the Holocaust out of the realm of nightmare or Gothic horror and acknowledge it as something all too human." A major bestseller in Great Britain, this critically acclaimed volume is a vital addition to our understanding of the Second World War, the Holocaust, and the human potential for committing unthinkable evil.

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ISBN1586483579 9781586483579
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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