Livro Because of Miss Bridgerton

Sometimes you find love in the most unexpected places . . .This is not one of those times.Everyone expects Billie Bridgerton to marry one of the Rokesby brothers. The two families have been neighbors for centuries, and as a child the tomboyish Billie ran wild with Edward and Andrew.

Either one would make a perfect husband . . . someday.Sometimes you fall in love with exactly the person you think you should . . .Or not.There is only one Rokesby Billie absolutely cannot tolerate, and that is George.

He may be the eldest and heir to the earldom, but he s arrogant, annoying, and she s absolutely certain he detests her. Which is perfectly convenient, as she can t stand the sight of him, either.But sometimes fate has a wicked sense of humor .

. .Because when Billie and George are quite literally thrown together, a whole new sort of sparks begins to fly. And when these lifelong adversaries finally kiss, they just might discover that the one person they can t abide is the one person they can t live without .

. ."

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EditoraAvon Books
ISBN0062465821 9780062465825
FormatoCapa dura
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