Livro Bomb Run and Other Stories

A collection of classic EC war comics by Harvey Kurtzman, John Severin and Will Elder. The team of Harvey Kurtzman and John Severin was one of the most fruitful collaborations in the history of comics.

The work they did together brings the gritty realism and psychological truth of Stephen Crane and a verisimilitude to the page that it seems as if they are reporting from the scene.

Together with inker and friend Will Elder, whose own obsession for detail perfectly complemented the impact they were all striving to achieve, they produced 34 emotionally draining ― and dramatically eloquent ― war stories in just under three years.

This book collects them all. Settings include: the Roman empire; the Revolutionary War; the American-Indian Wars; the Alamo; the Civil War; World War I (in the trenches and in the air); World War II (in the Pacific and in Europe, including the D-Day invasion); and the Korean War.

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EditoraFantagraphics Books
ISBN1606997491 9781606997499
FormatoCapa dura
Livro físico na

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