Livro Dark Carousel

In the new Carpathian novel from #1 "New York Times "bestselling author Christine Feehan, a woman falls prey to the seductive allure of the past and a vampire warrior s intoxicating embrace...

The moment Charlotte Vintage walks into his club, Tariq Asenguard s blood is set on fire. The ancient Carpathian had given up hope of finding his lifemate, but now he will do anything to make Charlotte his own.

What Tariq doesn t know is that Charlotte is using herself and her best friend as bait to try to draw out the bloodthirsty killers who have already murdered Charlotte s brother and mentor.

Charlotte is familiar with Tariq. Not only is he one of the richest and most eligible bachelors in the city, but he s also a renowned collector of old carousel horses, which Charlotte restores.

Their shared passion opens Charlotte up to trusting him with her life and with the desire she can no longer control. But it also makes her vulnerable to a centuries-old curse that will unite her and Tariq in a war against the enemies of humans and Carpathians alike..."

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EditoraBerkley Books
ISBN0425281965 9780425281963
FormatoCapa dura
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