Livro For Better or Worse

Will a budding wedding planner and her bad boy neighbor stop banging heads and start hearing wedding bells in the sexy second novel in "USA TODAY "bestselling author Lauren Layne s irresistible new series that marries "Sex and the City "with "The Wedding Planner"?

When small-town girl Heather Fowler finally gets promoted from assistant to "actual" wedding planner, she s determined to make it as one of Manhattan s elite Wedding Belles. Unfortunately, her first client demands an opulent black-tie affair at the Plaza in five months time.

Heather s days quickly become a flurry of cake tastings, dress-fittings, RSVP cards, and bridal tantrums. But what she s really losing sleep over is the live music blaring from her playboy neighbor s apartment all night.

Five years ago, Josh Tanner was an up-and-comer on Wall Street, complete with the penthouse and the migraines. But a grim cancer diagnosis made him realize there is more to life than the corner office.

If only he could convince his pretty, workaholic neighbor to let loose, too. As Heather lets down her guard, Josh is surprised when he starts falling for the sweet, vulnerable woman hiding beneath those power suits.

Soon, it s Heather s turn to convince Josh to take the biggest risk of all: love."

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EditoraPocket Books
ISBN1501135155 9781501135156
FormatoLivro de bolso
Livro físico na

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