Livro Hoopla

They’ve been called "visionary" by both Newsweek and Time, hailed as "the ad world’s most talked-about agency" by USA Today, and dubbed "the next big thing" by Business 2.0. They launched the Mini car craze in America, took on Big Tobacco in the controversial Truth campaign, sexed up Virgin Airlines, and made Burger King sizzle once again.

And they did it with bold publicity stunts, infectious viral marketing strategies, funny masks, folding paper, outrageous Internet hoaxes, and a weird, garter belt–wearing chicken who became a cultural sensation.

And this random madness has a very sound method to it: Hoopla. In Hoopla, the secret inner workings of this freewheeling, break-the-mold idea factory are revealed for the first time.

Veteran journalist Warren Berger, who has tracked and reported on the CP+B phenomenon over the past decade, fully examines and deconstructs the methods that lie behind the agency’s seeming madness, while the striking images throughout the book (captioned by the CP+B creative team) provide insights into the logic, intuition, mischief, and passion that leads to the creation of Hoopla.

The result is a fascinating journey into a realm of unbridled creativity. See the madness. Read the method. Hoopla. Hoopla also includes practical, step-by-step advice on how to find and promote big ideas (even on a shoestring budget), and how to generate excitement and hype in today’s cluttered, noisy communications landscape.

If you’re a marketer, a communicator of any type, or anyone who needs to get out a message and generate some buzz, Hoopla will change the way you think about the art of communication.

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EditorapowerHouse Books
ISBN1576873129 9781576873120
FormatoCapa dura
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