Livro The King Collection

When Ming the Merciless launched an all-out assault on planet Earth, the colorful band of heroes known as Kings Watch led the resistance, and triumphed! Now, across the cosmos and in the dark corners of our very planet, Earth's defenders continue the mission, separate and yet together in spirit!

Pursued across space, Flash Gordon and his friends Dale Arden and Dr. Zarkov must rally the oppressed people of Ming's dominion to the cause. But can one man -- even someone as fearless as Flash -- navigate the shifting allegiances of countless races to unite for the common cause?

Mandrake the Magician, the world famous illusionist, puts on a show you'll never forget, as he faces the all-new, all-deadly Cobra! Can he stop her from amassing Earth's most dangerous mystical artifacts in a bid for global domination?

On the distant planet Arboria, a ragtag team of misfits searches for a legendary figure known as Jungle Jim -- a hard-drinking, somewhat mad explorer with power over the forest itself -- to save a captive revolutionary from Ming's death sentence!

The Phantom is dead! Lothar, the world's strongest man, assumes the mask of The Ghost Who Walks until he can track down the true heir to the heroic legacy... but the sole survivor of the Walker bloodline is already neck-deep in danger!

Prince Valiant, a knight who would dare any adventure, gets his fondest wish... as Mandrake plucks him from the timestream and hurls him headlong into the fight against Ming alongside the strangest incarnation of Kings Watch ever assembled!

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EditoraDynamite Entertainment
ISBN1606908731 9781606908730
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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