Livro The Names

THE NAMES is a contemporary thriller that starts off as a revenge story: A deadly heroine ticks off--and kills--each "name" that brings her closer to knowing who killed her husband.

It will become much more than that...The world of THE NAMES is Big Money. Hedge funds, leveraged buyouts, market raids, flash buys. Incredibly high end deals that ruin lives and economies, where secret cabals gamble with people's lives and jaded billionaires find their kicks the only way they know how.

The idea is to take what's REALLY GOING in the poisonous, deadly world of high speed, high stakes finance but really TURN IT UP, push it to the edge and make it sexy, dramatic, and thoroughly deadly.

It's about righting all the wrongs by any means necessary. It's KILL BILL meets WOLF OF WALL ST. in a world that's become Too Big to Fail. It's a relentless thriller that seeks to unlock the DA VINCI CODE that lies at the center of the world's finances as the people who really pull the strings in the world finally get what's coming to them.

The world of high finance has a profound but mysterious effect on all of our lives, yet is understood by too few of us.  PETER MILLIGAN, an incredibly talented writer who's always been able to mine the zeitgeist for memorable stories, wants to create a compelling drama set in this world.

LEO FERNANDEZ will bring a slick, sexy visual appeal and together make this another must-read book for VERTIGO.Collects THE NAMES #1-8.

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EditoraDC Comics
ISBN1401252435 9781401252434
FormatoCapa comum
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