Livro The Negotiator

"Forsyth at the top of his game!"--Tom Clancy, author of "The Hunt For Red October."Frederick Forsyth, master of the international thriller, retums with an electrifying story of a man of immense power and a conspiracy to crush the President of the United States.

Only one man--Forsyth's most unforgettable hero yet--can prevent the plan from succeeding. His name is Quinn. He is the Negotiator."A completely satisfying thriller. . . "The Negotiator" delivers. . .

A string of unsettling climaxes."-- "Newsweek."President Cormack is bent on a signing a sweeping U.S.-Soviet disarmament treaty, and the master conspirator is determined to stop him. The kidnapping of a young man on a country road in Oxfordshire is but the first brutal step in the explosive plot engineer the president's destruction.

Enter Quinn."A Blockbuster."-- "New York Daily News."Quinn plays the kidnappers like a master musician. . . until, in a shocking tumabout, he discovers that ransom was not their objection after all--and that he has been lured into a cunningly woven web.

Now he must draw upon his deepest strengths--to save not only the victim but the entire free world."Forsyth gives us all we ask for."-- "Chicago Tribune."

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ISBN0553283936 9780553283938
FormatoLivro de bolso
Livro físico na

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