Livro The Shrike

Kelly Sue DeConnick (Avengers Assemble, Captain Marvel) and Emma Rios (Dr. Strange, Osborn) present the collected opening arc of their surprise-hit series that marries the magical realism of Sandman with the western brutality of Preacher.

Death's daughter rides the wind on a horse made of smoke and her face bears the skull marks of her father. Her origin story is a tale of retribution as beautifully lush as it is unflinchingly savage.

"It's a perfect match for the gorgeous, dizzying artwork in a sumptuous palette-overlaid panels add intricate choreography to fight scenes, and detailed, whirling splash pages beg for long-lingering looks. Couple that, along with a handful of Eisner nominations, with a multicultural cast of tough-as-nails women who all fight for their own honor, and this is a series to watch out for." - Booklist "It's ambitious and challenging (two qualities that are not often valued, but that probably should be), under a facade of violence and sacrifice.

Rio's art is lush and detailed, and is more than capable of keeping up with the far-reaching story." - PW

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EditoraImage Comics
ISBN1607069628 9781607069621
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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