Livro The Twilight Children

Comics legends Gilbert Hernandez ("Love and Rockets"), Darwyn Cooke (DC: THE NEW FRONTIER) and Dave Stewart ("Hellboy") craft a haunting and unforgettable tale of magical realism with THE TWILIGHT CHILDREN.

No one knows what the mysterious glowing spheres are, or where they come from. The only thing that matters to the residents of the beachside village where the orbs manifest is what they do when they appear.

They blind children and imbue them with psychic abilities. They destroy homes, and make entire families disappear. They attract scientists, government experts and secret agents, each with their own agenda.

And they inflame small-town passions secret lovers, simmering resentments to a fever pitch. Now, they ve brought Ela. Materializing on the beach just as mysteriously as one of the orbs, this beautiful woman says nothing, but seems to harbor unspeakable power.

Will she help to save the town, or destroy it? Or is it Ela herself who is really in danger? Collects the four-issue VERTIGO miniseries."

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ISBN1401262457 9781401262457
FormatoCapa dura
Livro físico na

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