Livro The Wild & Weedy Apothecary: An A to Z Book of Herbal Concoctions, Recipes & Remedies, Practical Know-How & Food for the Soul

Just outside your doorstep or kitchen window, hidden beneath a tall pine tree or twining through porch latticework, a wild and weedy apothecary waits to be discovered. Herbalist Doreen Shababy shares her deep, abiding love for the earth and its gifts in this collection of herbal wisdom that represents a lifetime of work in the forest, field, and kitchen.

This herbalism guidebook is jam-packed with dozens of tasty recipes and natural remedies, including Glorious Garlic and Artichoke Dip, Sunny Oatmeal Crepes, Candied Catnip Leaves, Lavender Lemonade, Roseberry Tea, Garlic Tonic, Parsnip Hair Conditioner, and Dream Charms made with Mugwort.  A sampling of the herbal lore, legend, and instruction found within these pages: The difference between sweet-faced flowers and flowers with attitude How to assemble a well-stocked pantry  •  The importance of gratitude Plant-spirit communication basics   •  How to use local wild herbs How to make poultices, teas, tinctures, balms, and extracts   "Those who dare delve into this book may emerge with catnip on their breath, mud on their knees, wild fruit juices on their hands, and a mysterious, satisfied smile—the very image of a wild and weedy woman.

Come on!" —Susun S. Weed, wild woman herbalist

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EditoraLlewellyn Publications
ISBN0738719072 9780738719078
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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