Livro Unmade

"New York Times "bestselling author Sarah Rees Brennan brings the Lynburn Legacy her modern, magical twist on the Gothic romance and girl-detective genres to a surprising and satisfying conclusion. Perfect for fans of the Beautiful Creatures and the Mortal Instruments series.

"Who will be the sacrifice?" Kami is linked to two boys. One through a strong magical bond, and the other through unforgettable love. With Jared missing for months and presumed dead, Kami must rely on her link with Ash for the strength to face the evil spreading through her town.

Working with her friends, Kami uncovers a secret that might be the key to saving the town. But with knowledge comes responsibility and a painful choice. A choice that will risk not only Kami s life, but also the lives of those she loves most.

As coauthor with Cassandra Clare of the bestselling Bane Chronicles, Sarah Rees Brennan has mastered the art of the page-turner. A strong example of diversity in YA, the Lynburn Legacy not only introduces Kami Glass, a half-Japanese teen, but also includes an LGBTQ romance as one of the subplots.

A sparkling fantasy that will make you laugh and break your heart. Cassandra Clare, "New York Times" bestselling author A darkly funny, deliciously thrilling Gothic. Kelley Armstrong, "New York Times" bestselling author Readers will laugh, shiver, and maybe even swoon over this modern Gothic novel.

Melissa Marr, "New York Times" bestselling author Breathtaking a compulsive, rocketing read. Tamora Pierce, "New York Times "bestselling author Captures the reader with true magic. Esther Friesner, author of "Deception s Princess" A laugh-out-loud delight.

"Publishers Weekly""

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EditoraRandom House Books for Young Readers
ISBN0375870431 9780375870439
FormatoCapa dura
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