Livro Waverly Novels (Volume 20); The Talisman. the Two Drovers. My Aunt Margaret's Mirror. the Tapestried Chamber. the Laird's Jock

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Indifferent, bat indifferent?pshaw, he doth it not Like one who is his craft's master?ne'er the less I have seen a clown confer a bloody coxcomb On one who was a master of defence.

Old Play. With the first gray peep of dawn, Halbert Glendin- ning arose and hastened to dress himself, girded on his weapon, and took a cross-bow in his hand, as if his usual sport had been his sole object.

He groped his way down the dark and winding staircase, and undid, with as little noise as possible, the fastenings of the inner door, and of the exterior iron grate.

At length he stood free in the court-yard, and looking up to the tower, saw a signal made with a handkerchief from the window. Nothing doubting that it was his antagonist, he paused, expecting him.

But it was Mary Avenel, who glided like a spirit from under the low and rugged portal. Halbert was much surprised, and felt, he knew not why, like one caught in the act of a meditated trespass.

The presence of Mary Avenel had till that moment never given him pain. She spoke, too, in a tone where sorrow seemed to mingle with reproach, while she asked him with emphasis, What he was about to do ?

He shewed his cross-bow, and was about to express the pretext he had meditated, when Mary interrupted him. Not so, Halbert?that evasion were unworthy of onewhose word has hitherto been truth.

You meditate not the destruction of the deer?your hand and your heart are aimed at other game?you seek to do battle with this stranger. And wherefore should I quarrel with our guest ?

answered Halbert, blushing deeply. There are, indeed, many reasons why you should not, replied the maiden, nor is there one of avail wherefore you should?yet nevertheless, such a quarrel you are now searching after.

Why should ...

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EditoraGeneral Books
ISBN0217652824 9780217652827
FormatoCapa comum
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