Livro A Family Affair: Modern and Contemporary American Art from the Anderson Collection at Stanford University

This book presents one of the most outstanding private collections of 20th-century American art in the world and tells the story of how the collection evolved and eventually found a new home at Stanford University.

Jackson Pollock, Helen Frankenthaler, Willem de Kooning, Richard Diebenkorn, Frank Stella--these are just some of the artists represented in the renowned Anderson Collection, a large portion of which was recently gifted to Stanford University, and for which a new museum building is being constructed.

Featuring 121 artworks, the book includes scholarly essays on the collectors, the collection, and the individual artists and artworks represented in this significant postwar and contemporary collection. The book offers a fascinating insight into the world of art collecting, curating, research, and philanthropy, as well as a magnificent sampling of works from some of America's greatest artists.

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EditoraPrestel Publishing
ISBN3791353381 9783791353388
FormatoCapa dura
Livro físico na

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