Livro A Personal History of World War II: How a Pacifist Draftee Accidentally Became a Military Government Official in Postwar Germany

An informal and sometimes humorous account of adventures in the U.S. Army during and after the war. Principal focus is on American efforts to denazify and reconstruct German information services following the armistice in Europe.

Also describes the author's training as an undercover agent, life in a combined British-American psychological warfare headquarters, and beginnings of the "cold war" with the Soviet Union. Readers probably will encounter familiar names in the roster of individuals who figure in the narrative.

These may include William Paley, General Lucius Clay, Nicholas Nabokov, Harold Laski, General Robert McClure, Leon Edel, Edward Shils and various people who may not yet be famous but should be.

One also meets German citizens-journalists and others-who played a part in reestablishing democratic institutions and a free press in Germany. Not least among these is a stubborn old printer who was intimidated neither by the Nazis nor by an American second lieutenant.

This is a useful information source about a small but important corner of World War II. It's also a "good read"-something like a letter home that reports noteworthy incidents of everyday life along with developments of historical significance.

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ISBN0595418236 9780595418237
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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