Livro Bruiser

New York Times bestselling author Neal Shusterman delivers a suspenseful and thrilling novel that's perfect for fans of Unwind and UnWholly.Tennyson is not surprised, really, when his family begins to fall apart, or when his twin sister, Bronte, starts dating the misunderstood bully, Brewster (or The Bruiser, as the entire high school calls him).

Tennyson is determined to get to the bottom of The Bruiser's reputation, even if it means gearing up for a fight. Bronte, on the other hand, thinks there's something special underneath that tough exterior.

And she's right but neither she nor Tennyson is prepared for the truth of what lies below the surface. Told through Tennyson, Bronte, and Bruiser's points of view, this dark, twisting novel explores friendship, family, and the sacrifices we make for the people we love.Bruiser was named to the Texas Lone Star Reading List, among many other state lists, and was selected as a Book Page Top Ten Book of the Year, a Bank Street College of Education Best Book of the Year, and a Cooperative Children's Book Center Choice.Supports the Common Core State Standards"

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EditoraHarper Teen
ISBN0061134082 9780061134081
FormatoCapa dura
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