Livro Crystallization

Since the first publication of this definitive work nearly 40 years ago, this fourth edition has been completely rewritten. Crystallization is used at some stage in nearly all process industries as a method of production, purification or recovery of solid materials.

Incorporating all the recent developments and applications of crystallization technology, Crystallization gives clear accounts of the underlying principles, a review of the past and current research themes and guidelines for equipme nt and process design.

This new edition introduces and enlarges upon such subjects as: ? Control and Separation of polymorphs and chiral crystals ? Micro- and macro-mixing and the use of computer fluid dynamics ?

Seeding and secondary nucleation in b atch crystallization processes ? Incorporation of upstream and downstream requirements into design procedures for crystallization plant ? Computer-aided molecular design and its use in crystal habit modifier selection Crystallization provides a compr ehensive overview of the subject and will prove invaluable to all chemical engineers and industrial chemists in the process industries as well as crystallization workers and students in industry and academia.

Crystallization is written with the preci sion and clarity of style that is John Mullin's hallmark - a special feature being the large number of appendices that provide relevant physical property data.

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ISBN0750648333 9780750648332
FormatoCapa dura
Livro físico na

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