Livro Dated Emcees

Chinaka Hodge came of age along with hip-hopand its influence on her suitors became inextricable from their personal interactions. Form blends with content as she examines her love life through the lens of hip-hop's best known orators, characters, archetypes and songs in a finely crafted collection of 25 poems, its length meant to mirror that of a classic double album.

"Dated Emcees" blurs the line between lived and imagined experience, and creates a new and inventive narrative about the music that shaped the craggy heart of a young woman poet, just as it also changed the global landscape of pop.Praise for "Dated Emcees" "In the old tellings hip-hop was a woman, a certain kindone needing, even begging to be saved.

In "Dated Emcees," Chinaka Hodge gives her a voice and she tells of her loves and desires, her traumas and pains in words as hard, as lit, as loving, cunning, cutting, ecstatic, as tender and devastating as her big world requires.

This is poetry that, in its infinite power and intimate grace, will still turn in your mind long after the music is over."Jeff Chang, author of "Who We Be: A Cultural History of Race in Post-Civil Rights America" and "Can't Stop Won't Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation""Hodge writes with an unpredictable, rare honesty.

This collection quietly and simply illustrates love in a complicated world."Donald Glover AKA Childish GambinoPraise for Chinaka Hodge: "I always thought Chinaka would be president, but, oh well, she wants to be a writer."Dave Eggers"Keep your eye on Chinaka Hodge.""San Francisco Chronicle""

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EditoraCity Lights Books
ISBN0872867021 9780872867024
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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