Livro Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and Son (Volume 3); Wholesale, Retail, and for Exportation

This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text, images, or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1848. Not illustrated.

Excerpt: ... "There, there!" said the soothing voice of Florence presently. "Now you 're quite yourself, dear Susan!" Mis Nipper, sitting down upon the floor, at her mistress's feet, laughing and sobbing, holding her pocket-handkerchief to her eyes with one hand, and patting Diogenes with the other as he licked her face, confessed to being more composed, and laughed and cried a little more in proof of it.

"I -- I -- I never did see such a creetur as that Toots," said Susan, "in all my born days, never!" "So kind," suggested Florence. "And so comic!" Susan sobbed.

"The way he's been going on inside with me, with that disrespectable Chicken on the box!" "About what Susan?" inquired Florence, timidly. "Oh about Lieutenant Walters, and Captain Gills, and you my dear Miss Floy, and the silent tomb," said Susan.

"The silenttomb!" repeated Florence. "He says," here Susan burst into a violent hysterical laugh, "that he'1l go down into it now, immediately and quite comfortable, but bless your heart my dear Miss Floy he won't, he's a great deal too happy in seeing other people happy for that, he may not be a Solomon," pursued the Nipper, with her usual volubility, "nor do I say he is, but this I do say, a less selfish human creature human nature never knew!" Miss Nipper being still hysterical, laughed immoderately after making this energetic declaration, and then informed Florence that he was waiting below to see her; which would be a rich repayment for the trouble he had had in his late expedition.

Florence entreated Susan to beg of Mr. Toots as a favour that she might have the pleasure of thanking him for his kindness; and Susan, in a few moments, produced that young gentleman, still very much dishevelled in appearance, and stammering exceedingly.

"Miss Dombey," said Mr. To...

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EditoraGeneral Books
ISBN0217815871 9780217815871
FormatoCapa comum
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