Livro Diversity in Advertising: Broadening the Scope of Research Directions

This volume grew out of the annual Advertising and Consumer Psychology conference sponsored by the Society for Consumer Psychology. Representing a collection of research from academics in the fields of social psychology, advertising, and marketing, the chapters all focus on discussing existing and needed research to face the challenges of diversity in the next millennium.

The contributors are researchers who have pushed the envelope in understanding diversity in advertising, rather than merely relying on theoretical frameworks developed decades ago when the demographics of the population were much different.

This volume provides a vast array of information for academics and practitioners seeking to better understand how individual characteristics impact on the sending, receiving, and processing of communication efforts. It highlights past and current knowledge on diversity in advertising, important questions that have not been addressed satisfactorily in this area, and how current theories can be used to construct better communication plans and message content.

The various chapters draw upon existing literature from the fields of psychology, marketing, and related disciplines to amplify understanding and insight into developing effective advertising approaches to reach diverse audiences.

This book will contribute to the understanding of the diversity of people, the changing landscape of the U.S., and the need for a more inclusive society.

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EditoraPsychology Press
ISBN0805847944 9780805847949
FormatoCapa dura
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