Livro Faust

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PROLOGUE IN HEAVEN. The Lord?The Heavenly Hosts. Afterward Mephistopheles. The Three Archangels come forward. Raphael. The Sun chimes in, as ever, with the emulous music of his brother spheres, and performs his prescribed journey with thunder-speed.

His aspect gives strength to the angels, though none can fathom him. Thy inconceivably sublime works are glorious as on the first day. Gabriel. And rapid, inconceivably rapid, the pomp of the earth revolves; the brightness of paradise alternates with deep, fearful night.

The sea foams up in broad waves at the deep base of the rocks; and rock and sea are whirled on in the ever rapid course of the spheres. Michael.

And storms are roaring as if in rivalry, from seato land, from land to sea, and form all around a chain of the deepest ferment in their rage. There, flashing desolation flares before the path of the thunder-clap.

But thy messengers, Lord, respect the mild going of thy day. The Three. Thy aspect gives strength to the angels, though none can fathom thee, and all thy sublime works are glorious as on the first day.

Mephistopheles. Since, Lord, you approach once again, and inquire how things are going on with us, and on other occasions were not displeased to see me?therefore is it that you see me also amongst your suite.

Excuse me, I cannot talk fine, not though the whole circle should cry scorn on me. My pathos would certainly make you laugh, had you not left off laughing. I have nothing to say about suns and worlds; I only mark how men are plaguing themselves.

The little god of the world continues ever of the same stamp, and is as odd as on the first day. He would lead a somewhat better life of it, had you not given him a glimmering of heaven's light.

He calls it reason, and uses it...

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EditoraGeneral Books
ISBN0217835767 9780217835763
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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