Livro Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (Movie Tie-In Edition)

The book that inspired the hit film! Sundance U.S. Dramatic Audience Award Sundance Grand Jury Prize  This is the funniest book you’ll ever read about death. It is a universally acknowledged truth that high school sucks.

But on the first day of his senior year, Greg Gaines thinks he’s figured it out. The answer to the basic existential question: How is it possible to exist in a place that sucks so bad?

His strategy: remain at the periphery at all times. Keep an insanely low profile. Make mediocre films with the one person who is even sort of his friend, Earl. This plan works for exactly eight hours.

Then Greg’s mom forces him to become friends with a girl who has cancer. This brings about the destruction of Greg’s entire life. Fiercely funny, honest, heart-breaking—this is an unforgettable novel from a bright talent, now also a film that critics are calling "a touchstone for its generation" and "an instant classic." Includes a discussion with Jesse Andrews and an annotated excerpt from the screenplay!STARRED REVIEW “One need only look at the chapter titles (“Let’s Just Get This Embarrassing Chapter Out of the Way”) to know that this is one funny book.” –Booklist, starred reviewSTARRED REVIEW “Though this novel begs inevitable thematic comparisons to John Green's The Fault in Our Stars (2011), it stands on its own in inventiveness, humor and heart.” –Kirkus Reviews, starred reviewNew York Times bestseller!

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EditoraHarry N. Abrams
ISBN1419719467 9781419719462
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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