Livro Organic Remains of a Former World (Volume 1); An Examination of the Mineralized Remains of the Vegetables and Animals of the Antediluvian World Generally Termed Extraneous Fossils

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The other references, in illustration of this species, by Gmelin, appear to be incorrect. Fascicular tubipore (tubipora fascicularis, Linn. described by Fa- bricius as being formed of fasciculated filiform tubes, anastomosing in places, at their sides: and found in a mineral state on the shores of Gothland, and in the lime-stone mountains, of the size of a sparrow's quill, has not, I conjecture, been yet figured.

Nor have I to my knowledge yet seen this fossil. Tubipora ramosa, T. pinnata, T. pennicillata, and T. flabellaris, have not yet been seen in a fossil state. Indeed, that minuteness of the parts of which they are composed, their structure, and various other circumstances, demonstrate the little probability there is of these substances being detected, after they have become a stony mass.

Stellated tubipore, (tubipora stellata, Linn.) is described by Adrian Modeer-f- as a fossil found in the Swedish Island, Gothland. It is formed by distinct tubes, combined in ranges, by many remote platforms; formed of horizontally disposed plates, with radiating striae on their surfaces, and pierced for the passage of the tubes.

This fossil, from the description, and from the plate which is given of it by Modeer, appears to be fully deserving to be considered as a distinct species. That curious species of communication between the several parts of the animal, which has been already noticed in the organ-pipe coral, as being kept up by radiating tubuli, passing through the substance of the horizontally disposed plates, appearing in this species to be carried on by similar pipes passing either through divided plates, or on the surface of the plates, forming on them the radiated striae just described.

O. Fabr. Fn. Groenl. 439. f Act. Stockholm, 1788. 4....

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EditoraGeneral Books
ISBN0217526659 9780217526654
FormatoCapa comum
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