Livro Patient Practitioner Interaction: An Experiential Manual for Developing the Art of Health Care

For over 20 years, "Patient Practitioner Interaction: An Experiential Manual for Developing the Art of Health Care" has been the cornerstone textbook for health care professionals to learn and develop effective interpersonal professional behavior.

Building on the foundational knowledge of past editions, the updated "Sixth Edition" continues to teach health care professionals how to develop self-awareness and communication skills critical to providing ethical, compassionate, and professional treatment and care for and with their patients.

Drs. Carol M. Davis and Gina Maria Musolino designed the textbook to assist both faculty and students through instructional and learning objectives emphasizing the importance of self-awareness in patient interaction.

The "Sixth Edition "guides faculty in teaching the essential component required of all health care professionals: the ability to know oneself and one s patterns of response in highly contentious situations.

Through the featured learning activities and chapters on self-awareness and self-assessment, students will be able to better understand, change, and evaluate their learned patterns, values, and readiness for mature patient interactions for both typical and challenging patient care situations.

The learned skills of self-awareness and effective interpersonal communication allow clinicians, faculty, and students to provide compassionate and therapeutic treatment and care for the good of the patients and their families.

Developing health care providers are also guided in new focus areas in health care leadership and advocacy through interactive exercises. Features and benefits of the "Sixth Edition" Four chapters on self-awareness to guide students in evaluating their values and readiness for mature interaction with patients under stressful situations, as well as their ability and capability for self-assessment and peer-assessmentInteractive and online learning activities of real-life clinical situations and vignettes with tools provided to use in the classroom to make learning active and engaging.New content areas addressing leadership and advocacy with professional and community organizations; and self and peer assessment for fostering reflective professional development.An accompanying Instructor s Manual to help faculty learn how to convey the material in effective ways Instructors in educational settings can visit for additional material to be used for teaching in the classroom.

"Patient Practitioner Interaction: An Experiential Manual for Developing the Art of Health Care, Sixth Edition" will continue to be the go-to resource for students, faculty, and clinicians in allied health professions for effective patient interaction.


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ISBN1630910465 9781630910464
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