Livro Peptides

Techniques in the neurosciences are evolving rapidly. There are currently very few volumes dedicated to the methodology - ployed by neuroscrentists, and those that are available often seem either out of date or limited in scope.

This series is about the methods most widely used by modern-day neuroscientists and is written by their colleagues who are practicing experts. Volume 1 will be useful to all neuroscientists since rt concerns those procedures used routmely across the wrdest range of s- disciplines.

Collecting these general techniques together in a single volume strikes us not only as a service, but will no doubt prove of exceptronal utrlitarran value as well. Volumes 2 and 3 describe current procedures for the analyses of amines and their metabolites and of amino acids, respectively.

These collections will clearly be of value to all neuroscrentists working m or contemplating research m these fields. Similar reasons exist for Volume 4 on receptor binding techniques, since experimental details are provided for many types of hgand-receptor binding, including chapters on general prin- ples, drug discovery and development, and a most useful app- dix on computer programs for Scatchard, nonlinear, and compe- tive displacement analyses.

Volume 5 provides procedures for the assessment of enzymes involved in neurotransmitter synthesis and catabolism. Volumes in the NEUROMETHODS series will be useful to neurochemists, -pharmacologists, -physiologrsts, -anatomrsts, psychopharmacologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, and chemists (organic, analytical, pharmaceutical, medicinal); in fact, everyone involved m the neuroscrences, both basic and clmical.

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EditoraHumana Press
ISBN0896031055 9780896031050
FormatoCapa dura
Livro físico na

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