Livro Permanence

A cosmic and ecological disturbance has long taken hold of the planet. The conditions are blatantly evident to Giuseppe Telle Dioran, a traveler unlike those around him. Transported to another place and time, this solitary miscreant works to understand the world and thrive in it.

As he discovers the beneficence of his surroundings, Giuseppe attempts to find a sense of belonging and stability. Meanwhile, a surreptitious pandemic is also reaching its peak. Giuseppe and other marvels of the contemporary epoch are coincidentally rallied together by a mysterious spirit.

The group that forms is a part of a daftly orchestrated solution, though their purpose remains obscure. One of them is a strong-willed peacekeeper, Perishal, who struggles with her own recipe of pathos and ambition.

On the other side of the equation, the daunting captain of the Merschents, Arthre Motora Ghandi awaits the consequences of his illicit trade. The Laef is the ultimate synthetic drug, in a world completely absent of addiction.

With it, Arthre's gang expands and begins unknowingly dismantling utopia. Each character, along with many other members of the Humanean species, makes an individual effort to reconcile their grief. This slowly unraveling story conveys immeasurable complexity, depth, & mystery - A modern journey into a post-epochal society, told with elaborate symbolism.

The heavy yet subtle social commentary is wrought with intense detail and minimalism. One can find the antithesis to our obsession with violence and drama, a rebuttal to our commodification of nudity and art, and the reversal to our normative framework of duty and productivity.

Despite the serious undercurrent, there is perpetual celebration to be seen and experienced. Great freedom and equality is pervasive, while love and sexuality seem to clash and harmonize in an epic song of life.

Moody, allegorical, & provocative - all combined through an emotionally driven poeticism: Permanence is a tale of the past, an hypothesis of the present, and an evaluation of the future.

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EditoraRami Mohen Elkhatib
ISBN0692545220 9780692545225
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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