Livro Pyogenic Infective Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord; Meningitis, Abscess of Brain, Infective Sinus Thrombosis

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5.?DESCENDING PLATE OF LEFT SQCAMOUS IN INFANT, INTERNAL ASPECT. The squatnous portion of the left temporal bone from an infant ten days old. It is viewed from within and shows the descending plate of the squamous.

(Enlarged.) FIG. 6.? DESCENDING PLATE OF LEFT SQUAMOUS IN INFANT, EXTERNAL ASPECT. The squaraous portion of the left temporal bone from an infant 10 days old, viewed from without. Showing the descending plate of the sqimmous.

(Enlarged.) To /ntt j.ntffr 8. 16. The jugular fossa?the roof of which is pierced by a great number of veins communicating with the floor of the tympanum and the labyrinth, and also by the foramen for the auricular branch of the vagus (Arnold's), communicating with the Fallopian canal in its course.

17. The tympanic branch of the internal maxillary artery which enters at the fissure of Glaser, to supply the fore part of the tympanum. The mastoid antruml is situated behind the tympanic cavity, on a level with, or slightly below, the attic of the tympanum; the Fallopian aqueduct (Fig.

10), which lies on the inner wall of the passage between the antrum and the tympanum, may be taken as the boundary between the two. Like the attic, the antrum varies greatly in size, the tympanic atrium being in this respect much more constant.

The antrum approaches nearer the outer surface of the skull, and is separated by a thinner portion of bone from the cranial cavity than is the tympanum. The tegmen antri lies outside of the ridge of the superior semicircular canal.

Its floor is frequently on a lower level than the passage by which it communicates with the tympanum, hence drainage of this cavity through the external ear is difficult, and fluid contained therein is apt to gravitate into the cells of the mastoid rather than into th...

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EditoraGeneral Books
ISBN0217537863 9780217537865
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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