Livro Scripted

Romance combines"The Truman Show"with a dash of"The Hunger Games." "Scripted certainly checks off the boxes of a soapy hit . . . I'll definitely tune into watch."--"The New York Times" To the people suffering on the war-torn mainland, Bliss Island seems like an idyllic place.

And it is: except for the fact that the island is a set, and the islanders lives are a performance. They re the stars of a hit TV show, "Blissful Days" Characters are adored by mainland viewers, yet in constant danger of being cut if their ratings dip too low.

And no one "really "knows what happens to cut Characters. Nettie Starling knows she s been given the chance of a lifetime when a producer offers suggestions to help her improve her mediocre ratings especially when those suggestions involve making a move on the boy she s been in love with for years.

But she'll soon have to decide how far she's willing to go to keep the cameras fixed on her. . . especially when she learns what could happen to her if she doesn't."

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ISBN0147518016 9780147518019
FormatoCapa comum
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